Sunday, October 24, 2010

naK NegoK

nk sgt ngok cite you again!but then ari tu ngok movie ape yg baru bnyak pulak yg best..adoi..xley buat decision akn make sure tngok cite2 nie..xksah la wyng o cd ke..

pling nk tengok

2nd akn tengok

3rd akn tengok

4th akn tengok

5th akn tengok

cukup lah stakt tu..pdahal ade lagi 2 movie..jap tulis je lah haha..altitude n the other guys..mcm best gark..

the end!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

LiFe As We KnOw It

pnt nye today..dr pagi smpai ptg kluar..da la awl2 pg da jd suri rumah tangge..haha..yah nk dtg die suh msk la lah kkak tercinte nk dtg buat lah jugak..die bwk wabit die..bsr gler telo terjuntai..haha..

then siap2 sume g kdai kwn2 dkt umah k.yati..alang2 g jmpe shasha..lpak kejap jer..bwk mainan utk shasha..shasha odw dpt bby girl..ksian bpak nye xd geng..haha..tyme nk blek tu..shasha sedih xbg blek,buat suare kesian die..memang sayu r..haha..

then g sacc mama nk g kdai karut die..jln2 singgah kt kdai baju krung...kdai abg ensem pulak flirt lebey r..haha..die kate kt 13 adae kedai ayam kmpung sdp..kteorg pown blek  la ak xsdp pown keras jer..then grak giant pulak..ingt nk beli bra tp xde yg mnat..then blk amek fareeza..bwk dtg umah..borak mmng lame gile xingt r..

da lame punye cite sume kuar..tgh2 borak mcm nk ngok wyng pulak mlm nie..roger si nenek tue tu die kate layan..suke nye..haha..mule2 nk ngok cite you again..mmng da siap alarm kt ph nk ngok cite tngok2 lagi cite life as we know it nie mcm best..tnye punye tnye,pkir punye pkir ngok lah cite life as we know it..

ok lah komedi plus sedih..bergenang jugak lah air mate ak nie..haha..

the end!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

BABy Ku syG

yeah i got my guinea pig..beli sendiri tau..RM25 jer dr RM28 bargain dpt lah murah skit..haha..

its a ak bg name die "baby" haha syg sgt die..kate baby ak mok tu ajk tman g beli bole tdo smpai tgh ary mmng sentap lah ak last2 g lah sendri..

sebijik mcm yg dlm gmbr ak amek dlm yahoo tu..ak siap cat cage wane biru untuk die tu tau..sgy beno nye ak kt yg ley bla nye ak tkot nk pegang die.

.haha ape2 pown msty pnggil mama tlg angkt die haha..pown bole..die xbnyak mkn sayur..

ak bace kt internet die bnyak mkn die x pown die mkn palet die jer..myb xbiase xpe ak da sumbt bnyk sayur kt die..stakat nie die suke mkn baby corn n celery..

Monday, October 18, 2010

maSTeR OF CeRemONy

haha i as MC..xpnah2 doe..dlm mase 15 mnit mnjadi MC sgt lah mencabar..suare nk kuat..kite lah attention bg sume org..

cuak doe..mnggigil jugak lah tgn mcm best lame2..yg xley bla kteorg 1 group ngn lahanat..then kteorg bwk air tp isi ngn air paip..bole pulak si d** tu minum..

haha..sumpah nk gelak kt dpn tu kteorg kne sound ngn lect group pling main2..d** kne sound sbb die peluk tubuh..kau as penceramah mane bley cm tu doe..then si s**** kne sound bace laju gler mcm krete api n xde titik lnsung..nor pulak dah best da tp kne jugak sbb die angkt krtas tingi2..haha tp lwk lah..

n xkn jd MC lagi..haha

HAPpY BirthDaY To You!!

yeah!its your birthday lah syg..sorry xdpt nk clbr8 same coz b kt perak 'belajar' hehe..anyway i plan xmnjdi bnyak bnde utk you knape lah sume nye..adoii penat tau..

1stly i thought nk bg you cookies n tie saje..mcm letak dlm beg saje..but then cookies dah dikantoikan oleh mama..aish terbaik lah dpn2 you pulak kantoinye..geram mama kan sejuk jgak kn lah aty tu..soo fine you pown dah tersengih2 so i really need new plan..then on the week of your birthday i plan..xtau nk plan cm ne..

but then i dgr bf kwn i prank die utk birthday nk break bagai..mcm best jugak idea tu...then at 1st ingt nk plan ngn kwn die cek x ber reply pown.upe nye cakwan pkir2 lupe lak fara..msg la fara..lmbt jugak rep la jugak...plan2 punye plan mnjadi la kan..

so my plan is ingt pg sbtu tu nk break ngn die sbb die ade gurl laen..then mlm tu nk jmpe die n talk about our rltionship but sbnanye nk cnde light..haha..msty die suke...but on saturday tu..evrything was going well..msg die "fatin, ni awex rauf. tlg jgn kacau bf i lg. kalau x hidup u susah nnt. kiteorg da jnji habis i blaja ni kiteorg akan tunag. jgn nk suruh2 bf i amek u kt perak. u,ingt bf i tuh kuli batak u ke?!mujurlah bf i suruh i brsbr.dan skrng i dah x bleh tahan lg. u pergi. kalau i tahu u kacau lg. i akn cri u smpi ke lubang cacing phm!!!"die dpt mmng terpernjat abis yg xley blanye die ingt mak die yg anta msg tu..terkejut jugak lah ak kan..then msg2 mara ngn die ttbe da lame die msg "thanx yang, nk buat gimik utk besday mok kan..hehe luv u b!!kantoi da.."ak yg terkejut abis..haha then mls ak nk lyn fine lah kantoi..penat jer plan..but then die nk make up blek die ajk g clbr8 kt putrajaya g rendam2 kaki..

hehe love you lah syg!

anyway thanks to fara,anis,cekwan n fareeza!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

for you miss!!

miss this 3 article is for you..don't forget to comment on my post..hehe..other than this 3 article better you don't read miss it's not that suitable for you..hehe..and miss dont forget to watch my youtube thats my school marching band i'm in some of the vedio(2003-2007) and and feed my pinky fish! add me on facebook okay?.thank you!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


on 25th september last month was my mother birthday ..

me n my sibling don't plan anything about celebrating my mum birthday..but then last mnit plan..

without any money i start thinking of doing a surprise birthday party for her..but only family..

then i contact my older sister..we plan it together..everybody in the family is invited but then my granny,aunty n both big brother cant make it..but its okay..

we divide our work..i'm the project manager..haha..

so my sister have to call everybody and buy cake for my mother with the name 'ANIP' haha she really hate that name but for a joke we put that name on the cake..

my job is to decorate the place and buy some present for her..

my boyfriend work is to pick up everybody that have no transport..

my brother girlfriend is the chef..haha..she's the only one that know how to cook..

our theme is white shirt n blue jeans the theme was given by my sister..

and i hassle my mum to wear white tube dress to go for shopping haha..

owh forgot to tell my dad job is to make sure that mama dint know anything and to close her eyes when they arrive home..there are some picture from the party to see more further about 'my party' hehe..

my catsss

for your information miss i have a lot of cats.i'm an animal lover.hehe.this is some of my cat picture that i still have and story of them..

this is kopi or cokelet..its female..i love the color she's a lovely cat.we saw kopi near the road so we decided to take care of her... but unfortunately i have too many cats and my mum cant stand any more so my dad give it to his friend..

this is citam..because she's really black..its a female too..this picture was taken when she's still small..citam fur is not that long but soo soft like human hair..she like to massage people when she want to sleep..we got her from my brother girlfriend citam still with us..

this is citam family..the mother name is foxy..the white one is lala,the middle one is uteh,the black one is citam..uteh is now with my boyfriend i give it to him..he take care 3 of my cats..lala is now at kampung too many cats so we have to send her there..n foxy is with my brother girlfriend..

last story of my cats..too many cats to write in my blog..okay the gray one is pedro the oldest among all of my cats..last time he was really fat now when he's old he's back to thin..pedro afraid of people if many people came to my house he will hide under my couch until everybody go back..the Siamese is pucci,pedro girlfriend..haha..she's still small a loving cat too..

hand made cookies by me n my mum!

me and my mum went to giant to buy the instant cookies..its easier for me that know nothing about baking cookies..its not expensive i think about RM10..then we went to the bakery shop to buy the decoration..the ingredient is the Nona cookies flour,butter,egg and the deco..

the making step:

  • put the flour into a bowl
  • melt the butter
  • mix the flour,melted butter n egg.until it became a dough.
  • then shape it into shape that u prefer
  • lastly put it in the oven

 the 1st bake,the cookies a bit black (burn) haha because we forgot to but butter before put in the oven..but the 2nd bake was nice..

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


aish ak nie ne dende ngn mok..nk tau sbb pe??sbb ak da buat slh ngn xde lah bsr bg die bsr mcm memalukan die lah..soo ak mls nk gado ikot kan je lah perangai gmok tu..nk kate slh ak slh die jgak la..dende nie berkenaan dgn post ak kt fb..ak post bnde agak membruk kn mok..da mara sgt xtau nk luah kn kt je lah kt dende2 ak seperti yg tertera di bwh..haha..
  • kene tolong mok buat blog(assignment dier)..
  • mulai 4.10.2010,stiap pkul 12 mlm kne kol mok n mntak maaf..
  • post kebaikan mok kt FB sebanyak 7 kali(knon baik)hehe..
  • selame 7 hari balek kne dgr ckp mok..
  • stiap kali gado ak kne ckp "i still love u,im sorry,plz 4give me!"hehe
  • kne msg stiap pg selame 7hari "mok b mntak maaf,b syg mok"hehe..
  • blek nnti kne ikot mok karok n nyanyi 2 lagu..(xde maknenye)haha..
  • balek nnti b4 tdo kne kol mok berpuisi o bersajak selame 2 hari..
  • mulai 4.10.2010 kt cmpus kne bg tau mmber that mok KURUS..haha
  • mok n b kne bg bunge sebnyak g kali..haha i like!!
nie lah 10 dende2 ku yg diberi olh gemok+buncit..

Sunday, October 3, 2010

baju kurung kuh!

ttbe skang ak suke sgt beli baju pling suke cutting jenis phnang nye..cantik..last wek dapt 1 bju krung..wane putih n bntik2 itam..then td kuar dpt lagi..cntik wane pink..hehe..fav clor kort..
syg lah mama


last wek blek umah..bkn stakt last wek jer..ak nie stiap nmnggu last wek jer..blek ngn lect alyaa..naek kete..lmbt gak smpai umah sbb berhenti2 mkn lu..yg xley bla nye cik bob nk ak drive..ish xnk lah da la kete manual..if auto xkesah la..laju jer ak offer diri..nie da la mlm ujan pulak tu..takot ouh..but then da kne pakse..bwk lah dah biase bwk auto mcm ok lah jugak bwk manual xde lah kekok sgt..jauh jgak lah ak bwk..n laju..hehe

Saturday, October 2, 2010

nak!nak!nak jgak!

mama,yah,mok nk nie!!comeyl n gemok!bontot berat jer..nk jugak!!rm28 jer pown..nk!nk!


manis,pahit beraya dgn gemok...

teruje nye pagi2 da bgn nk g raye ngn mok n clzmte die..wlaupon dpt tido 5jam jer..ak bgn gak n kejut sygku..kteorg pkai baju same..wane itam..mok lambt skit..xtau xpe lah asl dpt jmpe die n spend the whole day ngn die..1st destination is uitm..sume clzmate die kumpul situ..soo kt situ lah knal ngn sume..malu lah gak kan..but dorunk sume baek2..da ckup sume clzmate die p isi mnyak dlu kt shell..da isi mnyak konvoi 6 biji kete g 1st umah..xingt kt sumpah jauh..kt umah die mkn tom yam n cekodok n bnyak lg lah..yg pelik nye doeunk nie ltak mknan jap abes..mcm piranha..hehe..ltak kejap je abes..ketue mkn die msty lah mok.hehe..then 2nd house umah faz..kt gombak..mkan die ade mihun n ape lagi tah..mak die best sgt..suke bercerite..abes die kantoikan cite zaman2 kecik si faz tu..haha..blek umah faz jam pulak nk blek s.alam..2jam jgak lah stuck dlm jam..then smpai s.alam g open house aina lak kt sec9..mkn satay,otak2 n laksa..sdp2 sume..wlaupon mok xbrape nk lyn ak xpe lah yg pnting die hve fun ngn kwn2 die..ak happy ngok die happy..then last open house umah bff ak lah si nenek tue tu..da kul 8 lbey tp xpe open house nye abes kul 12..plan nye fareeza ikot ak..xksah lah kan..then fareez msg cha nk ikot skali..ok lah suro kumpul kt mcd..then da lme skit nad jgak nk tumpang..xksah jgak lah kumpul jer kt mcd..lame lpas tu fareez msg kate dorunk suro amek..cha baju ketat,nad mls nk ulang alek..klaw ak yg drive xksah lah..nie mok die da pnat drive 1 ary..ak pham tp ak da cube kurng kan beban die still xnk gak..pnas la aty ak..ak tman die ary nie sume xksah..ak pown pnt die xley consider ker tu bff ak kort n ak blk smate2 nk g open house die..die mara sgt kt ak then trus anta ak blk xksah dah skang ak ngis ke ape..die pkir dri die jer..

thanks buat b cam nie..